Friday, March 5, 2010


My to do list:
baby's clothes washed: check
crib ready: check
diapers stocked: check
birth plan ready: check
thank you notes completed: check
nursing apparel purchased: check
haircut: check
bag packed: check
playlist for labor loaded on MP3 player: half done
bedroom/living room cleaned: ummm... almost
spend time with Trev: in progress

Trev's to do list:
car washed: check
car seat installed: check
papers written: check
assignments completed: check
bathroom and kitchen cleaned: still pending :)
spend time with Steph: in progress

Baby's to do list:
grow: check

I think we're ready! Spring break is here! Baby is not :( I think we'll turn up the music, enjoy some time together, go for a walk in the sunshine, and pray the waiting won't last much longer!

Let me know if you think of something we've forgotten!


  1. Don't forget to thoroughly enjoy the hours of sleep you're able to get! It may be a month or two before you get that again. =)

    Ooo, and if you have too free much time on your hands, you could try making some meals ahead of time and putting them in the freezer. It was really handy for me to be able to pull them out in the morning, let them thaw, and then not have to worry about dinner prep in the evening in those first several weeks.

    I can't WAIT to meet your little girl!

  2. Hey...sounds like you've got it covered! The meals in the freezer is a great idea. I'm bringing a chef with me when we come...but it will come in handy after we leave!! Love you!
