I comforted the poor, traumatized little princess, fed her, and put her to bed at 9:00. She went down pretty well - not asleep - but quietly content in her bassinet. Around 9:45, right after Trev had arrived home, she started fussing. He asked what he should do, and I suggested he go in and give her the pacifier (which she loves). Well, 30 minutes later, after I noticed that his bowl of soup had been forgotten on the kitchen counter and was now cold, I walked into the bedroom to find him rocking her and praying over her. And my heart melted!
Well, she slept pretty well after that. I fed her at 11:30, just before we went to bed, at 4:00 a.m., and at 8:30 a.m. Then the 3 of us snuggled for an hour! I like Tuesdays a lot better than Mondays! Trev doesn't have class until 10:00, and things are pretty lazy (and really nice) around here in the morning.
Well, that's just a little glimpse into what our evenings and mornings look like. Kinley's getting into a pretty nice routine. She's more alert and awake in the afternoons and evenings. That can also mean she's a little more fussy at those times. During the night and into the morning, she goes 3-5 hours between feedings (I never let her go more than 5). In the afternoons and evenings, she starts acting hungry only 2 hours after the last feeding. It's a good schedule, though, because we manage to get the recommended 8 feedings/day in, and I'm not forcing her into a strict three-hour schedule. At first I found it frustrating that she would sometimes go four hours and sometimes only two. But now that I can predict it and know it's just her routine, I'm handling it a lot better.
I'm working on three posts presently that should be ready soon. The first is Kinley's birth story. Warning: it's long! The second is a collection of random memories I have from pregnancy. The third is a photo slideshow set to our new favorite song! Of course, tomorrow is wordless Wednesday (which I'm actually going to try to post) - so look for some pictures here in 24 hours or so.
I can't wait...MORE PICTURES!! Yeehaw!! (I like the words too...just especially love the pics :-)